Tuesday, April 22, 2008

The Life Of a Bed Rest Victim

I thought I would try to throw together an entry real quick.

I'm still sick. The weather is gorgeous. My sanity level is confused. I thought a weekend of doing absolutely nothing but sitting around watching the tele would cure this bug, but it did not. It didn't help that on Saturday Justin was outside cutting trees and burning them. It looked liked so much fun and I couldn't resist so I went outside, barefoot (genius), and burned shit with him for a while. He convinced me to drink a beer with him. I declined numerous times because of my illness but Justin is probably one of the best peer pressurer's that I know and he got me to throw one down. I felt even more like shit right away and just sat around the house for the rest of the day. It was even more beautiful on Sunday and I sat in my room staring out into the yard at Justin and Megan doing yard work. I felt like Jimmy Stewart in Rear Window or, even more, like Bart in that episode of The Simpsons that plays on Rear Window. I almost started writing a play. I don't know what it is that I have. The plague maybe? All I know is that I have a nasty cough and my left ear is plugged up and I can't hear out of it. I'm just kind of hoping it fixes itself but I pretty much know it won't without some real antibiotics. Sux. I know after this ordeal I'll be back on some form of health care and won't have any issues for the next five years. Its stuff like this that makes me hate life. Maybe I should of voted for Hillary after all.

So yea, so far this post is me being a little bitch. But wait...it continues.

It's not helping that I'm working 8 + hours of real, physical, work. My dad doesn't care that I'm sick. I get back at him though. Every day at lunch I unleash the most unholiest of unholy of fumes and it completely ruins his lunch. Other than being sick, work has been going great. It's a awesome feeling coming home around 4 knowing I worked at least 8 hours. It will be even better when I'm not a lump and I actually start to do things. The only thing that kept me up late last week were The Wild games. I can't wait to come home, grill, play street hockey, go bowling, go to the bar, go out on the lake. You know, do stuff that actually makes the day feel full.

My best friend has been the TV. I have watched a ton of shit. The new Real World seems promising. They really could of avoided the whole "I'm going to Hollywood to become famous" type of shit. These people knew as soon as they signed up for the show that the only thing they would be known by for the rest of their lives would be a three month spot on reality television. Sarah is damn cute and I'm really excited to see her cheat on her lame looking boyfriend. I can not believe that they casted a stripper from Philly. I mean I know why they did, obvious drama. But it's not the typical type of drama Real World casts. You know, white frat guys who get drunk and do stupid things and slutty girls drama. This Briana character belongs on the Bad Girls Club, not Real World. We find out in the first episode that there is a warrant for her arrest in Philly that she did not know about. HA. Hilarious. Plus in the next episode preview the silly stupid girl from the south tells her not to get all ghetto. What does Briana do in response? She gets all ghetto. I'll place money on her not lasting a month in the house. Ah that poor blond girl. I do love the southern folk on the Real World. They seem to be the only truly innocent people on the show. Kalcutta from Sydney's cast seemed like the nicest person in the world.

There is this new show on MTV that I'm kind of obsessed with. It's called The Paper. It follows the lives of high school students who are journalism nuts. I'm pretty sure the school is exclusively for Jews because they all either look or act like em. One of the girls had such a Jewish shnozz that she got a nose job, no joke. The most intriguing fact about the show is the main storyline. This over achieving girl Amanda won editor in chief and none of the other students were happy about it so they act like typical high school students and are pricks to her. The worst part is that these kids are just as bad, if not worse, than Amanda. Its like watching a bunch of autistic kids gang up on the one kid with downs, or vice versa. I hope by the end of the season Amanda gets some guts and tells all of these d-bags off.

The majority of my TV watching has been devoted to playoffs. I started to write this entry when I got home from work but kind of put it on hold. At that time I was going to write that wins from The Caps and Flames tonight would help remove that bitter taste in my mouth left by The Minnesota Wild. Unfortunately The Caps lost. They got fucked though. Philly should have never had that second goal. How the refs could ignore a forward completely driving a defenseman into Huet and knocking him over...it just boggles my mind. Sucks when shitty stuff happens like that in a game 7. The Caps will be fine though. I just read a stat that 18 of the 20 goals scored were by players under the age of 24. Thats nuts. So it's up to The Flames to at least make a split for emotions on the night. They're down 2-4 in the second right now. Oh how I would love to see San Jose disappoint yet again. It would also be nice to know that there are no southern teams left (Yes this coming from a Tampa fan, and Yes Dallas is still in it but their franchise has been around forever). Plus The Flames are a ton of fun to watch in the playoffs. Iginla is in the top 3 players in the league. 1. Ovie 2. Crosby 3. Iginla. Shit now its 5-2. Come on Flames. What are you doing!

Ahh I was going to write more but now I'm distraught.

I'm not sure who actually reads this blog. Sean, Tom, that could be it. In case there are others I opened up commenting for anyone. So, you know, leave an anonymous message like "fag" or something.


ron said...

nice post, i have been sick lately too. Sore throat though. I think mine is more mental though because i hate school so much and need to leave jersey asap. The Paper is the shit. I heard amanda puts out...

Tom said...

your after work plans sound amazing. you might actually see me during the week this summer too, as i'll be staying with my dad

Anonymous said...

I am a devoted reader and I am pretty sure Meaghan is too
