Thursday, February 12, 2009

eh dere

I had to comment on tonight's premiere of Survivor real quick because something has been bugging me. To you fellas out there, and if you happen to not be a fella pretend to be one for a second, who would rather spend time with while stranded on Survivor, in 120 degree heat and skimpy clothing, and close living quarters?

The beautiful Carolina?

Or Ms.Crabtree


I don't understand what goes through the heads of these young men. I need to get on Survivor. Like right now. This has happened every season for as long as I can remember. 1st vote = get rid of the hottest chick that was cast for the show. I just did some quick research and looked up the first people voted off of Survivor. Here is what I found:

Michelle (was actually pretty strong too. It didn't make any sense)

Mary (First to go after Johnny Fair Play quit)

Ashley (She was that pro wrestler girl. There are actual nudes of her online. Technically she was 2nd voted off but I don't think we can count Chicken Man)

Do you get my point. No?

Jessica (The only one you could really even look at from this particular season)

Cecilia (Ok she was third, but very good looking)


There is a theme here. The list goes on for pretty much 18 seasons. All this post is probably doing is angering those who care, maybe two people. And with that, laaaaaater.


1 comment:

ron said...

preach brother preach, wow carolina looks damn hot in that pic too. Fuck you survivor.