I apologize for yet another broken promise on a post. I put it off like always. I had a major set back immediately though. I was disappointed and embarrassed about it so I couldn't bring myself to talking about it. I regained courage though and started the running diary over at the old stomping ground Thoys Life. I'm going to keep this blog relatively clean so you can catch up on my discomforts over there.
P.S. I would love to hear the argument that won the rights for the Girls to play at Xcel this year.
Friday, February 27, 2009
Saturday, February 21, 2009
Thoy's Oscar Preview (sort of but not really)
Not really a preview but basically my uneducated opinions on the films I saw this past year. Don't worry about spoilers because there are none.
The Curious Case of Benjamin Button
Terrible. Don't ever bother with it. Don't even think about thinking about renting it if you ever see it on the shelf. Just don't do it. Save your time. Unless of course you're in need of a sleeping aid, than by all means view Mr. Buttons. Sure I can appreciate the cinematography and the make-up and all that jazz but there are plenty of other films that I can say the same about that also don't bore me to death.
The Wrestler
Wasn't a big fan of this or Rourke's performance. I mean it was okay and Rourke pretty much nailed it but I didn't feel the role was that hard to nail. I think I stand alone. Maybe if I were a little older and experienced the whole Mickey blows his life away ordeal I could appreciate it more? But hey, I saw Rumble Fish and loved him in that so I have cred there. Marrisa Tomei loved to show her boobs in this though so that was nice. I can't not recommend it though because I can see a lot of people liking it so go see it at the two dollar theater, or rent it as soon as its on dvd.
Note: I got my two downer movies out the way. I loved something about everything else pretty much.
Sean Penn was great. I guess the purpose of the film was successful because I had never heard of Harvey Milk before I saw this. Now I know that he was a gay dude who ran repeatedly for a small political position and eventually won. The supporting cast looks amazing on paper but really didn't deliver. James Franco basically plays a gay version of Harry (When he's not the Goblin)from Spider Man. Emile Hirsch was okay but they never really seem to develop his character but that is understandable because the film is called Milk, not Cleve Jones. Josh Brolin's performance is highly overrated. Didn't do anything at all for me. Wait to see this when its showing on the LOGO channel.
I liked it. I wasn't at the edge of my seat at all though and there were definitely moments I felt like they were trying to be "edge of your seat" moments. I can't help but think I would really enjoy the play over the motion picture. History interests me and this is one of the most historical events (Watergate that is) of The United States. Watch it when it's on HBO
Slumdog Millionaire
A very cheesy story that I was completely into. I didn't see it until after the Golden Globes and some other awards show and they kept showing that same clip when he phones a friend and that girl runs to the phone trying to get there in time. I watched that clip and thought, "this looks terrible, what the fuck." But hey, the way the story is set up is a simple concept that I can dig. Not to mention that it is visually intriguing. After the hype of it I wouldn't race to see it if you haven't yet just because I did this with Juno and couldn't stand that. So what I would do is Redbox it for free with one of those promo codes.
The Reader
Loved it. Kate Winslet was fantastic. Plus she loves to show her tits too (bonus!). My only issue is the acting in the male lead. Not Ralph Fiennes but the younger version. Something about him really bothered me throughout the entire film. I can't really put my finger on it so I just blame it on being German. Don't rush to see it. Just google Kate Winslet nude for the time being and wait for it to show up on an Encore channel in a few years.
I loved pretty much everything about this film from start to finish. Production, story, acting, it was all wonderful. I'm a little annoyed that it isn't nominated for best film. Every actor in it is nominated but the director and film itself got no love. If you're a catholic and have been raped by a priest like me, go see it right away. If you're not a catholic but want to laugh at the corruption, go see it right away.
Gran Torino
Thought it was awesome. Awesome is not an adjective that I would use on a lot of the other nominees but this was AWESOME. And what do you know, it got no love from the Academy. Probably because people like me think its awesome. I guess I can understand why, because the acting is pretty awful by everyone in this, including Eastwood. But man, it is absolutely hilarious for the first 80 minutes. Plus the ending is, one more time...awesome. See this immediately if you want to learn some new racist vocabulary. Like "spooks" for black people. Hilarious.
Rachel Getting Married
My favorite film not named In Bruges of the year. I don't think a lot of people know much about it so here is the trailer.
Even watching that makes me happy. I actually feel very silly for liking it so much. But you know what? Chris Connelly loves it as much as I do, so it's cool. Fun Fact that I had to google because it drove me nuts the entire duration of the movie, The man Rachel is marrying is the lead singer of TV on the Radio. So good for him for having a sweet new album out and being in a great film, I guess. I'm a little embarrassed by my excitement for this so I couldn't really handle rejection from others due to my recommendation. So don't see it. I'll keep it all to myself.
The Visitor
A cute, sad, little film that I enjoyed. I don't think anything else really needs to be said.
Vicky Christina Barcelona
I enjoyed this quite a bit. Can't really argue with a Woody Allen film featuring three beautiful ladies who like to make love to a beautiful man. It is quirky and the narration might bother some people but I would recommend this as a great date night film. I have used it recently for that and it worked out perfecttttt...god I'm so lonely!
On to the awards.
Best Picture
It has to go to Slumdog. I'm okay with that I suppose because it was super entertaining for me. I wouldn't be upset if The Reader won but if any of the other three somehow steals it I might write an angry letter.
Best Actor
I think it's a toss up between Rourke and Penn. Rourke's got the town on his back but might have ticked off some of the members of the academy because he has been partying a little hard lately. Penn was good enough to steal Rourke's thunder. Plus we know how much they love homosexual roles. Pitt sucked, Langella was ok, and Richard Jenkins should be very satisfied that he was nominated.
Best Supporting Actor
* Josh Brolin in “Milk” - NO!
* Robert Downey Jr. in “Tropic Thunder” - Never saw it but he was funny in the trailer
* Philip Seymour Hoffman in “Doubt” - Very solid. Who I want to win.
* Heath Ledger in “The Dark Knight” - Very Solid. Who will win. I'm actually a little nervous that I might cry when his little 3 year old daughter comes up for the statue.
* Michael Shannon in “Revolutionary Road” - Never saw this. Heard it was boring.
Best Actress
* Anne Hathaway in “Rachel Getting Married” - Obvi my choice
* Angelina Jolie in “Changeling” - Never saw. Heard it wasn't that great
* Melissa Leo in “Frozen River” - Never saw, nor know anything about
* Meryl Streep in “Doubt” - Excellent. I hate the Streep hype but she sold me in this.
* Kate Winslet in “The Reader” -Thanks for the tits Kate. I have a feeling you'll win. Please don't cry.
Performance by an actress in a supporting role
* Amy Adams in “Doubt” - Super Job. You're a young, good looking, talented, female actress. You have at least 3 more years until your looks fade and you're dependent solely on your skills.
* Penélope Cruz in “Vicky Cristina Barcelona” At the beginning of the film I said, "Damn, no one is as good looking as Scarlett" than about 40 minutes later Penelope came onto screen and I said, "Damn bitch, you just ousted Scarlett"
* Viola Davis in “Doubt” - This chick was in the movie for basically 1 scene! Yeah it was a great screen but man I wish I could focus on a performance for one scene and than get nominated for an Oscar.
* Taraji P. Henson in “The Curious Case of Benjamin Button” - Ok, you were very cute lady, but the movie was just that terrible that I can't root for you.
* Marisa Tomei in “The Wrestler” - You'll win. Congrats. Tell Vinny I said hi.
I'll end with the predictions/thoughts there. I feel like I'm dragging on quite a bit. Just wanted to point out that the Academy is worthless. In Bruges was completely overlooked. If you haven't seen this, go buy/rent now. It is wonderful. You'll love it. I'm happy that I got the invite to Molly and Steve's for the viewing once again. We had a ton of fun last year so hopefully we can repeat some of that.
It's kind of late and I gotta work at 9. I won Chris' drawing and will be attending the Red Wings game with him tomorrow night. I look forward to that. I will be checking in here soon with my upcoming plans for lent. So until than, have a good one and drive safe out there.
-rp mcmurphy
The Curious Case of Benjamin Button
Terrible. Don't ever bother with it. Don't even think about thinking about renting it if you ever see it on the shelf. Just don't do it. Save your time. Unless of course you're in need of a sleeping aid, than by all means view Mr. Buttons. Sure I can appreciate the cinematography and the make-up and all that jazz but there are plenty of other films that I can say the same about that also don't bore me to death.
The Wrestler
Wasn't a big fan of this or Rourke's performance. I mean it was okay and Rourke pretty much nailed it but I didn't feel the role was that hard to nail. I think I stand alone. Maybe if I were a little older and experienced the whole Mickey blows his life away ordeal I could appreciate it more? But hey, I saw Rumble Fish and loved him in that so I have cred there. Marrisa Tomei loved to show her boobs in this though so that was nice. I can't not recommend it though because I can see a lot of people liking it so go see it at the two dollar theater, or rent it as soon as its on dvd.
Note: I got my two downer movies out the way. I loved something about everything else pretty much.
Sean Penn was great. I guess the purpose of the film was successful because I had never heard of Harvey Milk before I saw this. Now I know that he was a gay dude who ran repeatedly for a small political position and eventually won. The supporting cast looks amazing on paper but really didn't deliver. James Franco basically plays a gay version of Harry (When he's not the Goblin)from Spider Man. Emile Hirsch was okay but they never really seem to develop his character but that is understandable because the film is called Milk, not Cleve Jones. Josh Brolin's performance is highly overrated. Didn't do anything at all for me. Wait to see this when its showing on the LOGO channel.
I liked it. I wasn't at the edge of my seat at all though and there were definitely moments I felt like they were trying to be "edge of your seat" moments. I can't help but think I would really enjoy the play over the motion picture. History interests me and this is one of the most historical events (Watergate that is) of The United States. Watch it when it's on HBO
Slumdog Millionaire
A very cheesy story that I was completely into. I didn't see it until after the Golden Globes and some other awards show and they kept showing that same clip when he phones a friend and that girl runs to the phone trying to get there in time. I watched that clip and thought, "this looks terrible, what the fuck." But hey, the way the story is set up is a simple concept that I can dig. Not to mention that it is visually intriguing. After the hype of it I wouldn't race to see it if you haven't yet just because I did this with Juno and couldn't stand that. So what I would do is Redbox it for free with one of those promo codes.
The Reader
Loved it. Kate Winslet was fantastic. Plus she loves to show her tits too (bonus!). My only issue is the acting in the male lead. Not Ralph Fiennes but the younger version. Something about him really bothered me throughout the entire film. I can't really put my finger on it so I just blame it on being German. Don't rush to see it. Just google Kate Winslet nude for the time being and wait for it to show up on an Encore channel in a few years.
I loved pretty much everything about this film from start to finish. Production, story, acting, it was all wonderful. I'm a little annoyed that it isn't nominated for best film. Every actor in it is nominated but the director and film itself got no love. If you're a catholic and have been raped by a priest like me, go see it right away. If you're not a catholic but want to laugh at the corruption, go see it right away.
Gran Torino
Thought it was awesome. Awesome is not an adjective that I would use on a lot of the other nominees but this was AWESOME. And what do you know, it got no love from the Academy. Probably because people like me think its awesome. I guess I can understand why, because the acting is pretty awful by everyone in this, including Eastwood. But man, it is absolutely hilarious for the first 80 minutes. Plus the ending is, one more time...awesome. See this immediately if you want to learn some new racist vocabulary. Like "spooks" for black people. Hilarious.
Rachel Getting Married
My favorite film not named In Bruges of the year. I don't think a lot of people know much about it so here is the trailer.
Even watching that makes me happy. I actually feel very silly for liking it so much. But you know what? Chris Connelly loves it as much as I do, so it's cool. Fun Fact that I had to google because it drove me nuts the entire duration of the movie, The man Rachel is marrying is the lead singer of TV on the Radio. So good for him for having a sweet new album out and being in a great film, I guess. I'm a little embarrassed by my excitement for this so I couldn't really handle rejection from others due to my recommendation. So don't see it. I'll keep it all to myself.
The Visitor
A cute, sad, little film that I enjoyed. I don't think anything else really needs to be said.
Vicky Christina Barcelona
I enjoyed this quite a bit. Can't really argue with a Woody Allen film featuring three beautiful ladies who like to make love to a beautiful man. It is quirky and the narration might bother some people but I would recommend this as a great date night film. I have used it recently for that and it worked out perfecttttt...god I'm so lonely!
On to the awards.
Best Picture
It has to go to Slumdog. I'm okay with that I suppose because it was super entertaining for me. I wouldn't be upset if The Reader won but if any of the other three somehow steals it I might write an angry letter.
Best Actor
I think it's a toss up between Rourke and Penn. Rourke's got the town on his back but might have ticked off some of the members of the academy because he has been partying a little hard lately. Penn was good enough to steal Rourke's thunder. Plus we know how much they love homosexual roles. Pitt sucked, Langella was ok, and Richard Jenkins should be very satisfied that he was nominated.
Best Supporting Actor
* Josh Brolin in “Milk” - NO!
* Robert Downey Jr. in “Tropic Thunder” - Never saw it but he was funny in the trailer
* Philip Seymour Hoffman in “Doubt” - Very solid. Who I want to win.
* Heath Ledger in “The Dark Knight” - Very Solid. Who will win. I'm actually a little nervous that I might cry when his little 3 year old daughter comes up for the statue.
* Michael Shannon in “Revolutionary Road” - Never saw this. Heard it was boring.
Best Actress
* Anne Hathaway in “Rachel Getting Married” - Obvi my choice
* Angelina Jolie in “Changeling” - Never saw. Heard it wasn't that great
* Melissa Leo in “Frozen River” - Never saw, nor know anything about
* Meryl Streep in “Doubt” - Excellent. I hate the Streep hype but she sold me in this.
* Kate Winslet in “The Reader” -Thanks for the tits Kate. I have a feeling you'll win. Please don't cry.
Performance by an actress in a supporting role
* Amy Adams in “Doubt” - Super Job. You're a young, good looking, talented, female actress. You have at least 3 more years until your looks fade and you're dependent solely on your skills.
* Penélope Cruz in “Vicky Cristina Barcelona” At the beginning of the film I said, "Damn, no one is as good looking as Scarlett" than about 40 minutes later Penelope came onto screen and I said, "Damn bitch, you just ousted Scarlett"
* Viola Davis in “Doubt” - This chick was in the movie for basically 1 scene! Yeah it was a great screen but man I wish I could focus on a performance for one scene and than get nominated for an Oscar.
* Taraji P. Henson in “The Curious Case of Benjamin Button” - Ok, you were very cute lady, but the movie was just that terrible that I can't root for you.
* Marisa Tomei in “The Wrestler” - You'll win. Congrats. Tell Vinny I said hi.
I'll end with the predictions/thoughts there. I feel like I'm dragging on quite a bit. Just wanted to point out that the Academy is worthless. In Bruges was completely overlooked. If you haven't seen this, go buy/rent now. It is wonderful. You'll love it. I'm happy that I got the invite to Molly and Steve's for the viewing once again. We had a ton of fun last year so hopefully we can repeat some of that.
It's kind of late and I gotta work at 9. I won Chris' drawing and will be attending the Red Wings game with him tomorrow night. I look forward to that. I will be checking in here soon with my upcoming plans for lent. So until than, have a good one and drive safe out there.
-rp mcmurphy
Thursday, February 12, 2009
eh dere
I had to comment on tonight's premiere of Survivor real quick because something has been bugging me. To you fellas out there, and if you happen to not be a fella pretend to be one for a second, who would rather spend time with while stranded on Survivor, in 120 degree heat and skimpy clothing, and close living quarters?
The beautiful Carolina?

Or Ms.Crabtree

I don't understand what goes through the heads of these young men. I need to get on Survivor. Like right now. This has happened every season for as long as I can remember. 1st vote = get rid of the hottest chick that was cast for the show. I just did some quick research and looked up the first people voted off of Survivor. Here is what I found:
Michelle (was actually pretty strong too. It didn't make any sense)

Mary (First to go after Johnny Fair Play quit)

Ashley (She was that pro wrestler girl. There are actual nudes of her online. Technically she was 2nd voted off but I don't think we can count Chicken Man)

Do you get my point. No?
Jessica (The only one you could really even look at from this particular season)

Cecilia (Ok she was third, but very good looking)


There is a theme here. The list goes on for pretty much 18 seasons. All this post is probably doing is angering those who care, maybe two people. And with that, laaaaaater.
The beautiful Carolina?
Or Ms.Crabtree

I don't understand what goes through the heads of these young men. I need to get on Survivor. Like right now. This has happened every season for as long as I can remember. 1st vote = get rid of the hottest chick that was cast for the show. I just did some quick research and looked up the first people voted off of Survivor. Here is what I found:
Michelle (was actually pretty strong too. It didn't make any sense)
Mary (First to go after Johnny Fair Play quit)
Ashley (She was that pro wrestler girl. There are actual nudes of her online. Technically she was 2nd voted off but I don't think we can count Chicken Man)

Do you get my point. No?
Jessica (The only one you could really even look at from this particular season)
Cecilia (Ok she was third, but very good looking)
There is a theme here. The list goes on for pretty much 18 seasons. All this post is probably doing is angering those who care, maybe two people. And with that, laaaaaater.
Monday, February 9, 2009
"Han Solo never fucked Princess Leia in no Star War..."
I didn't see much of the Grammy's last night because I was watching some new shows on over at MTV. Rob Dyrdek's new one, that college humor show and Travis Pastrana's new one. I loved Rob and Travis' shows and thought there was some good stuff in the college humor one, though I don't think they'll ever make anything as funny as those meeting skits where they talk in internet slang the entire time (see those here). The only thing I caught from the Grammy's was Taylor Swift and Miley's performance. I shed some tears there because it was so beautiful. I caught up on some stuff though over at durden today though. Like Radioheads pretty sweet performance...
and Katty Perry's ginormous tits...

I also caught the tail end of some riveting performances from Kid Rock and that klan* of T.I., Jay-Z, Kanye, Lil Wayne, and M.I.A. Needless to say I wasn't upset that I missed the ceremony. Music sucks now. Whenever I think about the Grammy's I think of that Simpsons episode that shits on them. I actually think there are a couple of episodes that do. Anyway, for those that watched you might find some humor in quest loves running twitter from the night.. I saw that over at Estaban's blog.
Yeah, basically a nonsense post that was an excuse for me to get back into the swing of things with html codes. Righty-o. Good day. Stay dry.
and Katty Perry's ginormous tits...
I also caught the tail end of some riveting performances from Kid Rock and that klan* of T.I., Jay-Z, Kanye, Lil Wayne, and M.I.A. Needless to say I wasn't upset that I missed the ceremony. Music sucks now. Whenever I think about the Grammy's I think of that Simpsons episode that shits on them. I actually think there are a couple of episodes that do. Anyway, for those that watched you might find some humor in quest loves running twitter from the night.. I saw that over at Estaban's blog.
Yeah, basically a nonsense post that was an excuse for me to get back into the swing of things with html codes. Righty-o. Good day. Stay dry.
Friday, February 6, 2009
Your basic, run of the mill, update that you have seen from me numerous times
So I'm not in the type of zone that I usually try to be in before updating for the first time after awhile, but I have put this off long enough so I'm just going to go for it. This is the update where I bore most of you with my current doings.
Hi my name is Thoy. I'm 22 years old. I'm a carpenter. I'm also a salesman/skate sharpener/basement dweller at General Sports. I like to play hockey. I like to watch television and movies. I like to listen to talk radio. I like to play trivia at the bars. I like to party.
I don't know why I just did that.
Right, so yeah I started working at General Sports about a month ago. I got thrown into the mix on a super busy Saturday after the New Year and somehow I landed on my feet and earned the trust of my peers. I enjoy the job thoroughly. I work with hockey players who like to drink so I kind of fit right in. My brother landed me the job and I'm forever grateful for him for this because man has work died off with my dad and I. We had all these projects lined up for after the holidays but they kept getting pushed further and further back or got canceled. Go economy! So if I didn't have the excitement of a new job my days would be spent watching my mind lose itself. Plus its nice to actually work with other people that aren't my father for the first time in a few years. I haven't driven them nuts for 20+ years yet so they have more patience with my antics. Well all of them except my brother. He is an extremely hard worker and has always made me look bad. I'm just trying to keep up with him so people can't say things like, "I see that all the hard working genes must have skipped a beat" or something like that. I don't know. That sounded stupid.
Other than that I have been playing hockey. I didn't get outdoors as much as I would have liked to because of the new job and all but that's alright. Our Monday night mens spring league starts up on Monday so that will be nice.
Note: I started this entry over 24 hours ago and put it off. Since I started this I have started to play Zelda for the first time in two years (never actually beat The Twilight Princess), watched the Edina-Minnetonka hockey game (Edina got crushed. I look forward to talking to the citizens of Edina about how the team just isn't jelling right now, they need more secondary scoring, but they have plenty of time to get it back together before playoffs, tomorrow at work.), watched The Office, (hilarious. "Is that Jim's!"), ate shit on a patch of ice outside my house, played trivia (placed 4th. won a free drink. We got fucked hard in the music round. One team absolutely killed it though so we didn't have a chance for 1st), returned to playing Zelda (I somehow beat a dungeon with some beers and a few cocktails in me. My puzzle skills are still alive apparently), watched "Vicky, Christina, Barcelona" (I thought it was pretty solid), watched an episode of LOST (I like where this season is going), an episode of The Real World (I have a boner for Ryan. I think he is an interesting person. I also have a boner for that tranny Katelyn, damn she fine), thought about the plot of Eyes Wide Shut extensively while I was taking a shower (Up until the orgy scene that movie is just a bunch of nothing), ran up to General Sports, ran to the bank, and than I returned here.
And because of the pause I now have another paragraph of junk.
So what else about the current rp mcmurphy? I'm a dirty bastard right now. Not really different I guess 'cause I'm a dirty bastard probably 10 months out of the year. My beard is starting to turn red, which is usually my calling card to shave. The mop of a haircut I have is starting to become a tangled mess and is bothering my brother at work. He is the only one that has told me to get it cut though. Everyone else just tells me that I look exactly like he did when he started there. They called him Bob Seager and thus the reason I'm called the son of Bob Seager by one employee. I told Andy and Chris this already, but one of the girls that just started working there asked me if I was in a band and said I looked like I was, my erection poked her eye out I'm pretty sure.
I don't listen to much music anymore, sadly. My computer crashed a while back and I have not yet gone through the process of ripping all of my cds. The idea of going through that for a third time kind of frightens me so it might be awhile before I actually do. I only have a few albums on my computer right now. One being Lykke Li's album, which I'm listening to right now and am quite fond of. I only went to one concert this past year as well which is kind of discouraging in a way, but I just can't afford shows anymore. Instead I spend my money at bars on trivia night.
The Oscars are around the corner so I have been trying to watch some of the nominated films because I always watch that hanus award ceremony anyway and it's always better if you have actually seen some of the films. I'll post about what I thought of the films once I've viewed more. I'll just say that In Bruges is still my favorite film of the past year. Highly underrated.
I haven't really been reading that much. I read "Boys Will Be Boys" by Jeff Pearlman. It chronicles the rise and fall of the Cowboys dynasty of the 90's. Some of the stuff is pretty crazy, the partying, drugs, hookers, and whatnot. Highly entertaining. I started Dennis Leary's new book but only got about half way before I had to return it to the library. Some of the passages were absolutely hilarious though. But yeah, our book club never really took off. Oh well, maybe sometime when we're older and grow vagina's and need an excuse to get out of the house away from our alcoholic husbands we'll get it going.
We have been spending a lot of time at Chris' and Illman's house sitting gig. The house is gorgeous. I think I like to be over there because it's like living in a house that I know I'll never be able to afford ever in my lifetime. So I might as well experience it for 6 months.
I want a dog to call my own. Unfortunately I don't think I have the funds to support one. I would buy one and than become piss poor broke and become homeless and be one of those homeless people that has a dog. I'm the type of person that sees that scene and feels more sorry for the dog than the human. The people who Chris and Illman are house sitting for have my dream set up for pooches. 1 black lab, 1 chocolate lab, 1 beagle. Perfect.
As I have said before numerous times, the future of this blog is bright... Hopefully I stay up with this time. If I don't I see no other option but opening of the MOYD diaries for this upcoming lent season. But that's a few weeks away so we'll see how I do.
That is all for now my fellow Americans/Canadians/Hispanics. Hopefully I did not bore you as much as I bored myself while writing this.
-The Fuck Tard, thoy
Hi my name is Thoy. I'm 22 years old. I'm a carpenter. I'm also a salesman/skate sharpener/basement dweller at General Sports. I like to play hockey. I like to watch television and movies. I like to listen to talk radio. I like to play trivia at the bars. I like to party.
I don't know why I just did that.
Right, so yeah I started working at General Sports about a month ago. I got thrown into the mix on a super busy Saturday after the New Year and somehow I landed on my feet and earned the trust of my peers. I enjoy the job thoroughly. I work with hockey players who like to drink so I kind of fit right in. My brother landed me the job and I'm forever grateful for him for this because man has work died off with my dad and I. We had all these projects lined up for after the holidays but they kept getting pushed further and further back or got canceled. Go economy! So if I didn't have the excitement of a new job my days would be spent watching my mind lose itself. Plus its nice to actually work with other people that aren't my father for the first time in a few years. I haven't driven them nuts for 20+ years yet so they have more patience with my antics. Well all of them except my brother. He is an extremely hard worker and has always made me look bad. I'm just trying to keep up with him so people can't say things like, "I see that all the hard working genes must have skipped a beat" or something like that. I don't know. That sounded stupid.
Other than that I have been playing hockey. I didn't get outdoors as much as I would have liked to because of the new job and all but that's alright. Our Monday night mens spring league starts up on Monday so that will be nice.
Note: I started this entry over 24 hours ago and put it off. Since I started this I have started to play Zelda for the first time in two years (never actually beat The Twilight Princess), watched the Edina-Minnetonka hockey game (Edina got crushed. I look forward to talking to the citizens of Edina about how the team just isn't jelling right now, they need more secondary scoring, but they have plenty of time to get it back together before playoffs, tomorrow at work.), watched The Office, (hilarious. "Is that Jim's!"), ate shit on a patch of ice outside my house, played trivia (placed 4th. won a free drink. We got fucked hard in the music round. One team absolutely killed it though so we didn't have a chance for 1st), returned to playing Zelda (I somehow beat a dungeon with some beers and a few cocktails in me. My puzzle skills are still alive apparently), watched "Vicky, Christina, Barcelona" (I thought it was pretty solid), watched an episode of LOST (I like where this season is going), an episode of The Real World (I have a boner for Ryan. I think he is an interesting person. I also have a boner for that tranny Katelyn, damn she fine), thought about the plot of Eyes Wide Shut extensively while I was taking a shower (Up until the orgy scene that movie is just a bunch of nothing), ran up to General Sports, ran to the bank, and than I returned here.
And because of the pause I now have another paragraph of junk.
So what else about the current rp mcmurphy? I'm a dirty bastard right now. Not really different I guess 'cause I'm a dirty bastard probably 10 months out of the year. My beard is starting to turn red, which is usually my calling card to shave. The mop of a haircut I have is starting to become a tangled mess and is bothering my brother at work. He is the only one that has told me to get it cut though. Everyone else just tells me that I look exactly like he did when he started there. They called him Bob Seager and thus the reason I'm called the son of Bob Seager by one employee. I told Andy and Chris this already, but one of the girls that just started working there asked me if I was in a band and said I looked like I was, my erection poked her eye out I'm pretty sure.
I don't listen to much music anymore, sadly. My computer crashed a while back and I have not yet gone through the process of ripping all of my cds. The idea of going through that for a third time kind of frightens me so it might be awhile before I actually do. I only have a few albums on my computer right now. One being Lykke Li's album, which I'm listening to right now and am quite fond of. I only went to one concert this past year as well which is kind of discouraging in a way, but I just can't afford shows anymore. Instead I spend my money at bars on trivia night.
The Oscars are around the corner so I have been trying to watch some of the nominated films because I always watch that hanus award ceremony anyway and it's always better if you have actually seen some of the films. I'll post about what I thought of the films once I've viewed more. I'll just say that In Bruges is still my favorite film of the past year. Highly underrated.
I haven't really been reading that much. I read "Boys Will Be Boys" by Jeff Pearlman. It chronicles the rise and fall of the Cowboys dynasty of the 90's. Some of the stuff is pretty crazy, the partying, drugs, hookers, and whatnot. Highly entertaining. I started Dennis Leary's new book but only got about half way before I had to return it to the library. Some of the passages were absolutely hilarious though. But yeah, our book club never really took off. Oh well, maybe sometime when we're older and grow vagina's and need an excuse to get out of the house away from our alcoholic husbands we'll get it going.
We have been spending a lot of time at Chris' and Illman's house sitting gig. The house is gorgeous. I think I like to be over there because it's like living in a house that I know I'll never be able to afford ever in my lifetime. So I might as well experience it for 6 months.
I want a dog to call my own. Unfortunately I don't think I have the funds to support one. I would buy one and than become piss poor broke and become homeless and be one of those homeless people that has a dog. I'm the type of person that sees that scene and feels more sorry for the dog than the human. The people who Chris and Illman are house sitting for have my dream set up for pooches. 1 black lab, 1 chocolate lab, 1 beagle. Perfect.
As I have said before numerous times, the future of this blog is bright... Hopefully I stay up with this time. If I don't I see no other option but opening of the MOYD diaries for this upcoming lent season. But that's a few weeks away so we'll see how I do.
That is all for now my fellow Americans/Canadians/Hispanics. Hopefully I did not bore you as much as I bored myself while writing this.
-The Fuck Tard, thoy
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